For more than 20 years, I have presented Sacramental evenings to schools throughout Victoria and nationally.
It is an opportunity for children, parents /carers, and educators to reflect upon the unique way God becomes fully present sacramentally and guides us in our lives.
As well as presenting sacramental evenings, I am a Catholic educator, education officer, liturgist, spiritual director, and singer-songwriter.
online Sacramental evenings
Due to the success of online presentations, we will present our sacramental evenings online again in 2025 using several platforms, including Zoom, WEBEX, GOOGLE MEET, and MICROSOFT TEAMS.
Parents are given the opportunity to sit quietly with their children in the privacy of their own homes, creating a personal sacred space with the ritual of lighting a candle.
Staff are no longer required to remain at school after hours but can participate in the sacramental formation from home and apply for accreditation hours. (Please contact your Catholic Education office)
Sacramental evenings are usually 60-70 minutes and include an opening prayer, music, a visual presentation, an invitation for parents and children to dialogue and a blessing.
The evening is hoped to be informative for all participants, including parents and educators.
Music for your Sacraments Liturgy
I am available for sacramental liturgies, including the first Eucharist and confirmation. I will provide live music and singing at the liturgy and, if required, can provide a recording of the songs for children to rehearse leading up to the sacramental liturgy. For further details, please get in touch with me at or 0411158593
Here is a sample of my music:
Bookings are now open for 2025 online sacramental presentations. For more information, please get in touch with me at or 0411158593
Check out my new dedicated Catholic Schools sacraments and retreat music website!! https://maria-forde-soul-song....

Grade one / two teacher from Our Lady of Lourdes Bayswater:
We were learning about choices in RE today. I read a story that finishes with the parent saying 'I love you even though you wear me out!' At the end of the story Johnny said 'Thats like what Maria taught us last night... that our parents always love us even when we do the wrong thing. And so does Jesus' I nearly cried!! How lovely!! Even our juniors got something out of the night!! Thanks !!
'Maria Forde brings her spirit, warm personality, deep faith, authenticity, musical talent and wonderful voice to our school community, as she facilitates parent and children sacramental programs.
Parents and children are engaged and responsive to Maria as she tells stories, sings and plays the guitar, explains the rich symbolism and meaning of our sacraments and invites our community to prayer. Maria does so with a simplicity, authenticity and deep conviction.
As a community we look forward to Maria’s parent/child sacramental programs each year and walk away enriched in our understanding of our Catholic story, the Sacraments and our faith.'
Anthony McCluskey
St Mary Mac Killop Primary School
Keilor Downs
'Thank you for helping our children see a little more of themselves and for the gift of music you have shared' Mary Immaculate School Ivanhoe
'I want to thank you for a wonderful presentation. You guided us through the Sacrament in a spiritual, reflective and engaging way. I think everyone present was tuned into what you were doing. Our PP loved it and spoke so highly of the evening and told his parishioners.'
Rachele Oliver
Deputy Principal
St Andrews School
South Clayton
To book your 2025 Sacramental Days or Evenings please contact Maria on 0411158593 or or visit https://maria-forde-soul-song....

Please enjoy a selection of songs that I wrote to assist children with understanding the Sacraments